Post NaNo Slump

The crash after the rush.

NaNo this year was a challenge. For those who don’t know what it is, NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month, a self challenge to write a 50K word novel in the thirty days of November. There is a huge community surrounding this challenge and I’ve made several life long friendships with other writers.

This year, in addition to participating in the challenge, I bought a house on the other side of the country, dealt with some potentially serious family health issues which resulted in me also starting renos on my current house to keep my husband off the flippin’ stairs.

Now it’s time to get the Christmas stories edited and up online for all to enjoy. Yet, like the crash after a sugar rush, I’m feeling scattered.

My tree has been up for a few days, still not decorated. I have boxes half packed of books and items to donate as I start purging before the move and I’ve not been able to work on a single project for longer than 20 minutes before my attention wanders.

I am determined to get the last book in the Haythen Adjacent series up before Christmas.

My alter-ego, Amelia Dax has a Christmas Episode that is almost ready to go. It will be short story #7 in her 18+ erotic space opera, Dax and Amelia Alien Adventures. Each Episode is about 22-25 pages, they’re silly and fun and they’ve been a blast to write.


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